Create and Manage Project Jobs A22-ANKU
Estimated Length: 1 hour(s) and 20 minute(s)
  • Overview
  • Resources
Variations E1145 - ANKU topics covered: 
  • Add variation cost centres
  • Approve variations
  • Invoice variations
Manage a project job E1144-ANKU topics covered: 
  • Manage a project job
  • Use notes and logs
  • Manage project tasks
Create a project job E1143-ANKU topics covered: 
  • Create a project job 
  • Structure a project job 
  • Add parts and labour.
The Project Overview in Jobs E0070-AN00 topics covered: 
  • The Project Overview tab
  • Budget summary and projected remaining costs
  • Adjust materials sell, markup and resources


The Setup Retention E0147-AN0U topics covered: 

  • Overview
  • Default retention settings
  • Set up retentions on a project
  • Sliding retentions
  • Retention for variations
  • Retention for work orders
The Breakdown Table for Jobs R0147-AN00 topics covered:
  • The breakdown table in the job summary
  • The Parts & Labour table in a cost centre
  • Lock cost centres
  • Adjust totals
Variations E1145 - ANKU
Content Types:
This material will help you understand the purpose of variations and how to create variation contact centres and variation jobs.
Manage a project job E1144-ANKU
Content Types:
This material will help you understand how to use tasks, notes, logs, attachments, pre-builds and cost centres on project jobs.
Create a project job E1143-ANKU
Content Types:
This material will help you understand how to build, structure and add parts and labour to a new project job.
The Project Overview in Jobs E0070-AN00
Content Types:
Learn about the project overview tab in jobs
Setup Retention E0147-AN0U
Content Types:
This material will help you understand how to setup retention on projects so that the correct value is claimed and transferred to your accounting package.
The Breakdown Table for Jobs R0147-AN00
Content Types:
This material demonstrates the breakdown table available in jobs, and covers how to understand it.